Getting Chartered

Chartering Workshops for 2024-2025



Every student organization at UNM is required to recharter each fall unless the group chooses to go inactive. Two (2) officers from each group must attend a charter workshop to recharter. Officers are not required to attend on the same date. Your charter with UNM for the 2024 - 2025 academic year will conclude in mid-July. Student organizations may charter throughout the year. Please attend one of the mandatory workshops below to start your student organization's chartering process.

The times and locations for these workshops are subject to change, please check back for updates regularly. You must arrive on time. Attendance will end promptly 5 minutes after the start time, with no exceptions. 

DateSAC Charter Workshop TimeSGAO Workshop TimeLocation
Tues, Jan 282:00 pm - 2:45 pm3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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Mon, Feb 103:00 pm - 3:45 pmNo workshop

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Thurs, Feb 209:00 am - 9:45 am10:00 am - 11:00 am

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Fri, Mar 711:30 am - 12:15 pm12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

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Thurs, Mar 271:00 pm - 1:45 pmNo workshop

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Wed, Apr 164:00 pm - 4:45 pmTBA

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Thurs, May 110:00 am - 10:45 am11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Why Charter?

Chartering leads to official recognition of the student organization by The University of New Mexico. As such, chartered student organizations are granted privileges including access to campus facilities, ASUNM and GPSA funding processes, and the ability to rent and check out equipment from the Student Activities Center.

An organization may charter at any time of the year, however, all organizations must recharter every fall (after August 1st) regardless of when they chartered the previous year. Organizations that charter by the established fall deadline will be listed in the fall edition of the Guide to Chartered Student Organizations. 

Chartering does not constitute an endorsement of an organization, its program, or its purposes by the University. Chartered student organizations are not covered under the State of New Mexico’s General Liability Policy.

Before chartering, returning groups should complete all tasks on the Re-chartering Checklist. New Groups should complete the New Charter Checklist

*New groups that need time to gather interest before getting started can fill out and submit the Pre-Chartering Request Form.


Steps in the Chartering Process

The Student Activities Center sponsors chartering workshops in the fall and two officers are required to attend. Workshops are a brief review of the policies, procedures, and services available to chartered groups. Workshops typically run August through mid-September.

Complete the UNM Chartered Student Organization Form online. You will need to log in with your UNM email and password. Organizations must abide by the stipulations outlined on the form and in the Chartered Student Organization Policy. Your charter will not be complete until the Student Activities Center has received a completed online charter registration, with the approved Constitution, and 2 officers have accepted membership in the online system. The administrator will receive an email upon charter approval.

Required Information

Before starting the charter form, make sure you have the following information ready:

    1. Complete Name for the Organization (Do not begin name w/ The or UNM)
    2. Pick a Primary Category for the Organization: (Academic/Departmental, Ethnic/Cultural, Fraternity, Graduate, Honorary, Military, Political, Religious, Residence Hall, Service, Sorority, Special Interest, Sport/Recreation)
    3. Purpose Statement (300 words or less)
    4. Contact phone number and email address for the group
    5. Mailing Address (SAC Mailboxes are available for free use if available)
    6. Names and Positions of at least 2 Officers (if you are unable to find a student in the chartering directory, contact the Student Activities Center)
    7. Professional Staff Advisor Information: (Name, Affiliation, Job Title, Department, Mailing Address, Email and Phone Number) 
    8. Composition of the Organization (Undergraduate, Graduate, Mixed)
    9. Enrollment Options (Open, Approve Applications, Invitation Only)
    10. Electronic Version of the local Constitution (and by-laws if you have them).

Optional Information

The online chartering system also allows you to provide additional information to share with prospective members. The optional information you are able to provide includes:

    1. Nickname or Acronym for your organization
    2. Secondary Category for the Organization
    3. Dues/Fees Charged by the Organization
    4. Website Link (For your organization)
    5. Additional Officers and Members
    6. Organization Logo (jpg form)
    7. Meeting Information
    8. Important website links (Headquarters, etc)
    9. Other Documents (Meeting Minutes, Flyers, etc)


One copy of a current constitution (and by-laws if you have them) must be submitted electronically with the chartering form. If your organization is affiliated with a national or international organization, you must submit a copy of your local chapter constitution (and bylaws). UNM does not recognize national-level constitutions or by-laws. Remember to keep a copy for your own files. If you're not sure where to start, check out UNM's Student Organization Constitution Template

Sports Club and Recreational Club Requirements

Sports Clubs and Recreational Clubs have additional requirements through Recreational Services to complete their charter. Sports Clubs and Recreational Club workshops run through August 29th so make sure to follow up with Recreational Services as soon as possible. For a schedule of workshops and more information about the additional requirements, please go to the Recreational Services Club Sports and Recreational Clubs website: Click Here

Student Organization Handbook

Please refer to the Chartered Student Organization Handbook 2024-2025 for a detailed guide for creating and managing student organizations.